gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-logged-out = is logged out.
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-logged-in = is logged in.
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-logging-in = is logging in...
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-checking-mail = is checking for mail...
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-msg-connecting = Please wait while your account is logging in...
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-msg-logged-out = Click here to login to your account...
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-msg-error-password = There was an error connecting to your account.|- Please check your email / password and try again.
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-msg-error-network = There was an error connecting to your account.|- The Gmail service may be temporarily unavailable or too busy.|- Your Internet connection may have been disconnected.|- Gmail Manager will automatically attempt to reconnect.
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-msg-error-timeout = Connecting to your account took longer than expected.|- The Gmail service may be temporarily unavailable or too busy.|- Your Internet connection may have been disconnected.|- Gmail Manager will automatically attempt to reconnect.
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-inbox-unread = Inbox has %S unread message(s).
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-saved-drafts = You have %S saved draft(s).
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-spam-unread = You have %S new spam message(s).
gmanager-toolbar-tooltip-space-used = Space used %S MB (%S%) of your %S MB.